As beautiful women, we are victims of society's views... and in this case, our worth is being determined by our physical attributes. We created this blog to display our beautiful THOUGHTS and VIEWS on different topics. Our views are ignited by our passions, and our passions are beautiful. We hope you enjoy this ignited beauty.

::Our Visitors::

Saturday, October 24, 2009

GOD :: the ignitor of faith

As you have seen, we ignited this blog with discussion of religion and faith. I am Catholic, born and raised. In my younger days, I found my faith rewarding, enlightening, and exciting. But, now that I look at it --it seems that those feelings came from being involved in a Catholic Organization that kept me constantly involved. In that organization, I helped the underprivileged, served GOD by assisting my neighbor and was an advocate to the younger Catholics around the USA... But now I am having a problem connecting with GOD, I want more of a relationship. At this time I have been evaluating, and I don't feel Catholicism has brought me to the extent my ideal faith should lead me to.

I have many friends and family that have a different opinion and I am in no way questioning or disrespectin
g their belief. Which brings me to my next topic... I have been researching Islam. Several things have attracted me... such as equality and the five basic pillars. Equality means so much to me in every aspect of my life. Growing up in an ethnically diverse family, where I found my own family to be prejudice because of my skin color. Being around that has completely changed my perspective, in terms of how all people should be treated and how I should be treated as a child of God. Islam teaches that all of us are equal in sex, race, economical status, etc...

In Catholicism, I have always wondered why women have never had a high position in the church, and the few times I found they had any control its like the church created controversy, which usually resulted in the woman leaving the church. The highest level in holy orders for a woman in a Catholic Church is a nun. The formal definition of a nun is a "sister" of prayer and worship; she is usually assisting the needy, sick, poor, and undereducated... and is equivalent to a monk...?? Not even equivalent to a Priest, which is known as "father", who is primarily responsible for delivering the word to the congregation. --Nun (Sister) Vs Priest (Father)-- Like I expressed, equality is important to me, and in this aspect Islam is more appealing.

In Islam’s Five Pillars, I find the importance of prayer challenging yet intriguing. Honestly, I don't pray often. I admit that prayer is not a habit of mine. It is not like I don't want to pray… It's because of lack of practice... Or more so not doing it daily and really consciously making an effort to pray. I’m thinking that with... learning, living, and understanding the five daily prayers may help me fully appreciate the power of prayer and how it could be the life changing experience I need, just maybe. With all of these differences, there are some similarities that truly captivate me as well. Islam is belief in one God (Allah) the creator, Islam also obeys the ten commandments (as Christians do), fasting is prevalent in both, charity, and Eschatology has some similarities as well. With ALL of this said, I have quite a journey ahead of me... I will keep you informed!

Lord, guide me in this Journey. Amen.

- Gabrielle

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